Monday, 20 January 2014

Running to the Beat

Todays post is inspired by Meg Cross Menzies, an American lady who was sadly killed by a drunk driver whilst out for her morning run on 13th January this year. Those in the running community will be aware that members of her running club did a memorial run for her on Saturday just gone and invited runners from around the world to join them and dedicate their miles run on Saturday to the memory of Meg using the hashtag #megsmiles 

It was a wonderful way to commemorate what looked like a wonderful life and such a passion for running. I happily dedicated my 12 miles on Saturday to the memory of Meg and hope that her family and friends can take some comfort from the support and solidarity of what I have personally discovered to be such a wonderful community.

One particular tweet urged runners to just get out there, appreciate the gift and to just run for all those that couldn't. This got me to thinking about the last time I had ran without music...probably during the Great North Run last year. Its been a long time since I just went out and appreciated running for just what it is, so I decided to leave the headphones and iPhone at home and let my feet be the soundtrack. 

I'm so glad that I did and I'm so glad it was today as it was such a beautiful one. Without being distracted by music and any thoughts linked to it, I got to appreciate exploring the HOOP (see yesterday's post) for the first time, take in the sun shining down on my beloved town and enjoy hearing my running trainers crunch along the gravel path (does anyone else love that sound?). It also made me listen to my body and learn more about its strengths and weaknesses. I was able to feel the bits I enjoy most (long straight gravel paths with the occasional sharp incline) and gain insight on where I struggle (the first mile and long inclines). All this would have passed me by had I had my headphones in this morning.

Thats not to say music doesn't have its place...its a great motivator and at times a distractor, theres nothing quite like your favourite running tracks to push you through the wind and rain or when you simply don't feel like hitting the road. However, once a week I'm going to make sure I leave the headphones at home and just appreciate the ability to run and my love for it. So thank you Meg for inspiring someone you never met, I shall think of you everytime I'm MP3 free.  

I hope everyones running week has got off to a great start!

Run safely...



Marathon Training Plan Week 1

Well here I am on my rest day after week 1 of using an official marathon training plan and looking ahead to week 2...and what a week its been both physically and emotionally.

As I mentioned in my last post I decided to use the Nike+ coach (you will learn that I'm a bit of a Nike+ fan girl) as I use the apps to track all my running stats and got a Nike+ running watch for Christmas (see!). I looked through the plan before I commited and decided that it was doable and would fit around my lifestyle. As its also within the app it sends you reminders of what training you have coming up which keeps you on track/puts the guilters on if you're sitting on the sofa with a cuppa and a biscuit trying to justify a second rest day. 

The downside...once again it assumes a 9 to 5 job so the rest day is always on a Sunday, which is fine every other weekend but will make things even more tough going for the inbetween weekends. I'm a glass half full person though, so I'm trying to think that maybe it might be quite good if a part of my life does have a routine. I work shifts and the patterns change every week so I'm used to not having a daily routine as such so although this plan might sometimes be a hinderance it might also bring more order to my life. We shall see...

So, how is the training actually going?

Well physically, so far its not too bad. The runs in the week are challenging enough to complete every day but not pushing me so hard that I want to cry (yet). Even with my 12 miler yesterday I still felt not too bad until the last mile when my legs started to protest. Thats what confirms for me that running is all in the mind, I know I can run further than 12 miles (and I have to next weekend) but I think because my brain knew that I was doing 12 miles it started to protest when it knew that the finish was near. I can definitely feel myself getting fitter and starting to tone up properly so I'm really enjoying that bit and looking forward to seeing the changes to my body as my training progresses.

Emotinally, its starting to show a bit. I've worked a couple of day time shifts this last week which means I had to get up early, run and then go straight off to work. I've also been doing some overtime as well to pay for some post marathon rewards so I'm not going to lie it has been tough. However, hats off to anyone who is training alongside a 9-5 job, you have to train at some very unfun times of the day and I admire you for it. I have enjoyed seeing the miles rack up on Nike+ though (there she goes again) and I just keep trying to focus on completing the challenge and the feeling I'll get on the day. 

Which leads me on to some quite exciting some of you may or may not know. I am running for the charity I volunteer for Leonard Cheshire Disability. Because I volunteer for my local service Symonds House, Leonard Cheshire are kindly allowing all funds raised to be donated directly to the service. So I got a call from Leonard Cheshire's press office on Monday and they left me a message asking me if I would be interested in doing some media work with them. They want to interview me for an article to go in the local press which will raise awareness of the service and the charity and hopefully also generate some revenue on my fundrasing page (cheeky hint there). Its quite exciting and an honour to be chosen to represent the charity for such a big event so I'm really looking forward to doing it. I shall keep you posted on the progress of that little piece of news.

I'm also really happy that I'm starting to connect more with the running community on Twitter, Instagram and through blogging. I've been chatting to a few other runners that tweet and others with running blogs and its really helps to know that you aren't alone. I don't know anyone else close to me thats running the marathon so its great to have somewhere to turn and others to share the experience with who know what its like. I'm also up for chatting to other runners both bloggers and tweeters/instagrammers so please feel free to get in touch on Twitter and Instagram. It would be great to chat! 

This post is scheduled for 9am so by the time this goes live I'll hopefully be eating my porridge in preperation for a 5 miler. I'm looking forward to exploring the Hitchin Outer Orbital Path! 

Happy Running!



Friday, 10 January 2014

Jantastic Week 1

So January is now in full swing...

As I mentioned in my last post I'm taking part in Jantastic (#jantastic for fellow Twitter and Instagram lovers) and my target for January is 4 runs per week, which I'm happy to say I have now completed. As the week was progressing I thought I might have underestimated myself by putting 4 runs a week, however after doing a 6.5 miler last night I managed to acquire myself a bit of a twinge in my right calf muscle which I've decided to rest. I'm also doing a heck of a lot of overtime this weekend so 4 runs has been on the money for this week. 

Although this week saw the official start of my marathon training it still doesn't feel like it. I've struggled to find a training plan that fits in with my lifestyle as they all seem to assume a 9 to 5 job (Sunday ain't a day of rest for us all y'know), but I like the look of the Nike+ coach so I'm giving that a try from Monday. Plans scare me a little as I'm not a big planning person. It makes me feel like I have less control over my running and my life if I'm sticking to someone else's plan, I also know from my job that one plan definitely does not suit all. However I know it's a necessary evil so I'm going to give Nike+ a chance. 

Scary official marathon training realisations aside I've really enjoyed my running this week as well as going back to normal eating after Christmas (even if it has meant divorcing myself from cheese for a while). I really love how I feel within myself with the combination of running and healthy eating. I can already feel the Christmas bloat disappearing, the pounds starting to come off and my muscles starting to tone. I'm still really struggling to get out of bed for those early runs before my late shifts though. Any advice on food/drink/routines that help you wake up of a morning would be greatly appriciated. Until then I shall keep parking my phone at the other side of my room so I have to get up and turn the alarm off. 

I hope everyone who has set themselves a running goal for 2014, even if it's not Jantastic has got off to a great start...and to those who have just taken up running WELCOME! Push through that pain barrier and you'll never look back I promise.

Keep being Jantastic...(sorry)!



Friday, 3 January 2014

100 days to go

Three things that rocked my world today...

1) Its 2014

2) Its 2014...which means that its marathon year

3) Its 2014...which means its marathon year and today marks 100 days to go!

I know it might sound a little cocky but I wasn't really worried about the marathon up until this point. Phrases such as "I've already run half way", "Theres no point starting proper training until after Christmas" and "If a 101 year old man can do it then so can I" have been batted around, however it literally was only today, when the London Marathon Facebook page stated that there is 100 days to go that a new phrase has been thrown out there..."I'm scared".

However, I'm also excited. I'm excited to kick start 2014 with a challenge, raise some money for the charity that I volunteer for (Leonard Cheshire Disability, I'll chat more about that another time) and for the actual day itself. If the buzz I got from the Standalone 10k and the Great North Run is anything to go by then running the London Marathon is going to blow my mind, or at least my feet and my muscles. 

I'm starting what I will deem to be my first training run tomorrow morning and I would love it if you would like to follow me on my journey by reading my blog, you can follow me on Bloglovin or just drop in when you fancy.

I have also just signed up to Jantastic to make sure I stay on track. It doesn't matter if you've just stepped into your first pair of running shoes or you're doing your first ultra, it looks like a great way of getting motivated towards a goal and sticking at it. Theres two days left to sign up so I've got a couple of warm up runs to do before I can start logging my miles.

I love to meet new people so if you're running the marathon, signing up to Jantastic or just have a crazy love of running then please drop me an email or get in touch with me on Twitter/Instagram at @ohhollygosh

Thanks for reading, I hope you stick with me.

Happy Running!

