Todays post is inspired by Meg Cross Menzies, an American lady who was sadly killed by a drunk driver whilst out for her morning run on 13th January this year. Those in the running community will be aware that members of her running club did a memorial run for her on Saturday just gone and invited runners from around the world to join them and dedicate their miles run on Saturday to the memory of Meg using the hashtag #megsmiles
It was a wonderful way to commemorate what looked like a wonderful life and such a passion for running. I happily dedicated my 12 miles on Saturday to the memory of Meg and hope that her family and friends can take some comfort from the support and solidarity of what I have personally discovered to be such a wonderful community.
One particular tweet urged runners to just get out there, appreciate the gift and to just run for all those that couldn't. This got me to thinking about the last time I had ran without music...probably during the Great North Run last year. Its been a long time since I just went out and appreciated running for just what it is, so I decided to leave the headphones and iPhone at home and let my feet be the soundtrack.
I'm so glad that I did and I'm so glad it was today as it was such a beautiful one. Without being distracted by music and any thoughts linked to it, I got to appreciate exploring the HOOP (see yesterday's post) for the first time, take in the sun shining down on my beloved town and enjoy hearing my running trainers crunch along the gravel path (does anyone else love that sound?). It also made me listen to my body and learn more about its strengths and weaknesses. I was able to feel the bits I enjoy most (long straight gravel paths with the occasional sharp incline) and gain insight on where I struggle (the first mile and long inclines). All this would have passed me by had I had my headphones in this morning.
Thats not to say music doesn't have its place...its a great motivator and at times a distractor, theres nothing quite like your favourite running tracks to push you through the wind and rain or when you simply don't feel like hitting the road. However, once a week I'm going to make sure I leave the headphones at home and just appreciate the ability to run and my love for it. So thank you Meg for inspiring someone you never met, I shall think of you everytime I'm MP3 free.
I hope everyones running week has got off to a great start!
Run safely...