Friday 3 January 2014

100 days to go

Three things that rocked my world today...

1) Its 2014

2) Its 2014...which means that its marathon year

3) Its 2014...which means its marathon year and today marks 100 days to go!

I know it might sound a little cocky but I wasn't really worried about the marathon up until this point. Phrases such as "I've already run half way", "Theres no point starting proper training until after Christmas" and "If a 101 year old man can do it then so can I" have been batted around, however it literally was only today, when the London Marathon Facebook page stated that there is 100 days to go that a new phrase has been thrown out there..."I'm scared".

However, I'm also excited. I'm excited to kick start 2014 with a challenge, raise some money for the charity that I volunteer for (Leonard Cheshire Disability, I'll chat more about that another time) and for the actual day itself. If the buzz I got from the Standalone 10k and the Great North Run is anything to go by then running the London Marathon is going to blow my mind, or at least my feet and my muscles. 

I'm starting what I will deem to be my first training run tomorrow morning and I would love it if you would like to follow me on my journey by reading my blog, you can follow me on Bloglovin or just drop in when you fancy.

I have also just signed up to Jantastic to make sure I stay on track. It doesn't matter if you've just stepped into your first pair of running shoes or you're doing your first ultra, it looks like a great way of getting motivated towards a goal and sticking at it. Theres two days left to sign up so I've got a couple of warm up runs to do before I can start logging my miles.

I love to meet new people so if you're running the marathon, signing up to Jantastic or just have a crazy love of running then please drop me an email or get in touch with me on Twitter/Instagram at @ohhollygosh

Thanks for reading, I hope you stick with me.

Happy Running!



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