Monday, 23 March 2015

Meat Free Monday

So I did this post with with National Vegetarian Week in mind as I'd seen lots of articles about it, however as soon as I clicked 'publish' I discovered that its not actually till the 18th-24th May (note to self, must pay more attention). However I thought I would still share with you a variety of veggie meals that I have either made recently or cook regularly to give you some inspiration if you're planning giving the old veggie thing a go for a week in May, theres nothing like a bit of forward planning anyways (thats my excuse and I'm sticking to it *insert wink face here*).

Spaghetti with Butternut Squash and Parmesan Sauce from Skinny Taste

Photo credit: Skinny Taste

This is my absolute go to pasta sauce, I'd say I eat this at least once a week. If you're a lover of all things cream and cheesy but want something a little lighter on the cals, trust me this one is for you.

Broccoli and Quinoa Casserole from Eat Good 4 Life

Photo: Eat Good 4 Life

This one may change your mind about broccoli and quinoa its that yummy. Make sure you use decent mozzarella.

Photo credit: Essbeevee

Real comfort right here and only 9 Weight Watchers Pro Points for those who are watching. Also perfect for batch cooking.

Sweet Potato Gnocchi with Wild Garlic and Sage Pesto from Top With Cinnamon

Photo credit: Top With Cinnamon

This is a nice one to do if you're cooking for someone and have a little more time but also great to freeze and keep as well. If like me you can't get the dough to roll out, all is not lost because I have a little hack. Put the dough into ice cube trays and freeze...hey pesto (sorry) gnocchi made easy 

From ice tray...

To pan...easy peasy!

Photo credit: J for Jen

A nice simple curry recipe if asian cooking isn't your forte (like me)!

Whether you're a long standing veggie like me or just planning on giving it a go for a week in May (life without beef burgers is not that terrible, I promise), I hope this may have answered the 'so what do you eat' questions. Do let me know if you give any of them a go.

Happy Cooking



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