Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Its December the First

Happy First of December!

Yes I am one of those people! December is officially here so my family, friends, colleagues and especially my boyfriend can no longer tell me off for being festive. I've been window shopping all the Christmas decorations and drinking all the coffee shop's festive drinks since the end of October but now it is well and truly an acceptable time to crack out the Christmas jumpers and turn up Michael Buble. 

I absolutely love December 1st and always try to make sure I have something fun and festive to look forward to on the day. As you read this I will be on my way to a conference for work in London. As snoozy and unfestive as that sounds, I've actually really been looking forward to it as its a day of showcasing all the wonderful work that people in the organisation do and seeing people being recognised for what they have achieved (and of course, free lunch). I also get to see some lovely colleagues from other parts of the business that I haven't seen for a while and we're all going to go out for drinks after the conference. So all in all a happy happy day.

And just incase you need to kick start your festive cheer, here a picture of my Mum's Christmas tree that I helped her to decorate yesterday...

And a super cute little tipple of sherry (mandatory when decorating Christmas trees) with the glittery Christmas lights...

Whether today is a normal day, you give it a nod by opening the first door on your advent calendar or you go full on Slade and Christmas jumpers, I hope it is a great one for you!



Sunday, 16 August 2015

Forever Living: Clean 9

Is it just me or has Forever Living just sprung up everywhere over the last few months? One minute I'd never heard of it, then the next thing my Twitter and Facebook feeds were filling up with post boasting the health benefits of all the products and friends becoming distributors.

Incase your social media accounts have managed to filter out Forever Living posts, the products are aloe vera based products that promote and support health and wellbeing. 

I have to say, at first I was a little sceptical. As someone who's spent much of her twenties overweight, I finally learnt that when it comes to losing weight and maintaining (thats the hard bit folks) a healthy lifestyle its very much about playing the long game, theres no quick fix. However after success with Weight Watchers a couple of years ago, one thing I do know about myself is that I'm more likely to get to where I want to be with a plan. 

I literally gasped out loud in my bathroom when I stepped on the scales recently and found that I'd put on nearly a stone, I know that in the last six months I had put on some weight but I was a little shocked to find out that it was that much, After this revelation I found myself clicking on the Clean 9 links to see what it was all about. I still wasn't 100% convinced so I read some blog posts on it, including one written by a medical professional. I still wasn't entirely convinced, but slightly against my better judgement I decided to give it a go.

My old school friend Jen from High Heels Baby Wheels has recently become a distributor so I got in touch and purchased my Clean 9 kit from her online shop.

Away we go...

Day 1: I thought this would be the hardest day but it turned out to be one of the easier ones. I think the feeling that I was back in control and a 'fresh start' vibe largely aided this but I was happy to ride on the quest of that wave. I didn't need any of my free foods and the day went without a hitch.

It's true what they say though, aloe vera gel...there's no way to sugar coat it (if only), it's not good. 

Day 2: Definitely one of the tougher days. One day without food was fine but my brain was starting to catch up with the rest of my body and started demanding to know where the food was. 

It was this day that I realised how much extra bits and bobs pass my lips on a daily basis. One of my clients gave me a rock cake that she'd made at college (it quickly went into a food bag into the freezer for a post Clean 9 treat) and there was a box of homemade biscuits made by another client on the side in the office. On a normal day I would have tucked into these without a second thought, I felt quite inwardly smug at shunning the goodies with relative ease. 

By the evening...man was I ready for some food. I stayed strong, had some cucumber and strawberries and held on to the thought of day 3's 600 calorie meal. 

Day 3: This was my first weigh in, I was thrilled to see that I'd lost 4 pounds. Seeing such a good result definitely set me up for the day.

Day 3 was also shake day. I tried Herbalife once and quickly realised that it wasn't for me, a shake in the morning just didn't cut. I was always starving by 10am which entirely defeated the object. However after two days of no food, a shake hit the spot nicely.

I made sure I drank plenty of water to stop me feeling hungry over lunch and the thought of my 4 pound loss plus my first proper meal in the evening kept me going.

We had Zizzi takeaway for dinner and I had a lovely king prawn and roasted tomato linguine dish for my 600 calorie meal.

Days 4 and 5: So I would be lying if I said there weren't times when I wanted to sneak a slice of toast or nibble on one of the oreo cupcakes I baked for my boyfriend's Mum's birthday, but it wasn't as bad as I thought. I could see my body shape changing and my skin felt amazing. Even the aloe vera gel started to be 'ok'.

Day 6: Second weigh in day. I lost another pound and I was well into the swing of 2 shakes a day plus a 600 calorie meal. 3 days to go...

Day 7: Today was a tough day, it was my boyfriend's mum's birthday so we all piled round to his sister's house for birthday tea. I had my 600 calories ready and raring to go but I knew I wouldn't be able to indulge as much as I normally would (I confess that I did sample my oreo cakes, I couldn't not). Happily though I was full far quicker than I normally was so I was able to enjoy the evening without ruining my cleanse. Bonus points for saying no to a glass of wine when offered!

Day 8: 1 day to go. Today felt like I was so close but yet so far. I was starting to feel quite ready to finish but with two days to go I knew I just had to push through it.

Day 9: Final day. I felt good today as I knew that it was the last one. I thought I'd be desperate for a Dominos, however as much as I was looking forward to eating proper meals, I couldn't wait to do a healthy food shop and focus on a better lifestyle.

In total I lost a total of 5 pounds and 4 inches round my waist so I was pretty chuffed with that.

So here we are, Clean 9 done. Now for the crunch, would I recommend it. If you're someone that needs a kick start to get you going or gets better results with a structure (like me) then I would definitely recommend Clean 9. I had the added motivation of an important wedding come up at the end of this month so I wanted to feel better about myself and more confident in my dress.

Even if you're feeling a bit sludgy after over indulging on holiday (those breakfast buffets *heart eyed emoji*) then Clean 9 would be a great holiday detox.

Not sure if you've quite made up your mind yet? Here are the pros and cons...

The pros:

Just incase any of you were wondering, I picked the vanilla flavour pack, purely because it's all or nothing with chocolate for me, I can't stand chocolate 'flavoured' things

  • Better skin, hair and nails, mine were glowing!
  • Weight loss (though this isn't a guarantee)
  • More energy, perfect if you do early morning shifts like me
  • Motivation to continue with a better lifestyle
  • Water intake, its easy to mistake hunger for lack of hydration. Clean 9 ensures that you taking on enough water which helps stop you reaching for the snacks
The cons:
  • It is important to say that this is a cleanse and not a weight loss programme, though you would be forgiven for thinking it is. If your rep has added you to the Facebook group 'The FIT Group' then you'll see all the posts saying how much weight people lost. Clean 9 is about cleansing your body which isn't always about loosing weight (I would be very surprised if you didn't shift a few pounds though)
  • The cost, it is a little pricey £108.95 so its important to make sure its right for you
  • I didn't think it was as bad as everyone made out but Aloe Vera gel does not taste good. If you do decided to continue with the gel after Clean 9, Jen has told me that there are more flavours that are a little easier on the taste buds
Have you done or are thinking about giving Clean 9 a go? I'd love to know what you think or if this post has helped make your decision.

Thanks to Jen for all your support, if you're thinking about Clean 9 please check out her shop.

Have a happy and healthy week ahead...



Thursday, 9 July 2015

A little update

So this is going to be a quick one...

After initially doing quite well on the old blogging front, June was somewhat of a wash out. I'm going to use the excuse of life getting a little hectic.

Whilst I love my job, it is both mentally and physically draining and there are a lot of demands, often at the last minute. It has been a slightly turbulent time over the last six weeks and I have been feeling tired a lot. I really hate being tired, I feel a lot of people use being 'tired' as an excuse to be lazy. However that is how I have been feeling.  

I am also moving house on Saturday (eek). My boyfriend and I are moving in together and I cannot wait (2 sleeps to go). However what with viewings, handing over silly amounts of money, signing here there and everywhere and worrying about the endless amount of furnishings and utensils that we still don't have, the blog has very much been on the back burner.

I don't want that flame to go out however, so I'm hoping that I can post more regularly very soon as I have some posts planned.

I shall leave for now on a positive note...a few weeks back I went to Hitchin Bid's Midsummer Ball Midsummer Dinner with my Dad, on the way a very lovely lady called Jasmine came up to me and told me how great I looked in my Myleene Klass dress that she'd seen on my blog post. Apologies if I seemed startled Jasmine, it was totally unexpected but I really appreciated it. 

Here I am in the dress in real life, not just twirling round in my living room. Unfortunately this is 'Dad Photography' so my legs are not in it and its a little blurred (poor posture as well Hol, sort it out). I'm hoping I'll get a few better snaps when I wear it to my friend's wedding in August. For those of you who read the original post...I wore the colour block shoes!

I hope this post finds you all well.

Heres to being back.



Sunday, 24 May 2015

100 Happy Days: Day 56 to 65

Day 56: Doing my first ever parkrun at Panshanger...I'm now a little bit addicted
Day 57: An impromptu glass of wine and risotto at my Dad's, I love those sorts of evenings
Day 58: Sampling lunch at The Old George in Ickleford, conclusion...I think I might have to go back and try their grilled cheese sandwich again, just to double check that it really was good!
Day 59: A glass of fizz in my Mum's garden, bliss
Day 60: A day off chilling out in the sun on Windmill Hill
Day 61: Finally plucking up the courage to brave the weights area of the gym #thisgirlcan
Day 62: Funny texts from friends
Day 63: Reminiscing on my London Marathon 2014 experience, this photo of my red and sweaty face will forever be one of my favourites
Day 64: Stopping the car outside Hitchin to appreciate the view

I love how this 9 days of the challenge really represents the small things in life that are making me smile. That's what's it's all about really. 

I'd love to know if any of you have done/are doing #100happydays or perhaps this post has inspired you to start? Send me your Instagram/Twitter name and I'll check it out. You can see all my happy moments by following me at @ohhollygosh on Instagram under the hashtag #ohhollygosh100happydays



Monday, 4 May 2015

A VERY pretty dress

I don't know about you but when I'm looking for dresses I NEVER see anything that I like. My best finds have always been something I have happened upon on browsing my favourite stores online or on blogs, this little beauty was no exception.

I first saw this dress over on Louise from Sprinkle of Glitter's YouTube channel and knew I had to check it out. I have an important wedding of two very good friends coming up in August and I wanted to start planning my outfit early. 

I've looked at the Very website many times but I've never committed to buying anything. However after this purchase the Very website is well and truly saved into my favourites (did you see what I did with the title...sorry). 

This dress is from the Myleene Klass range and I could not be happier with this. The material and quality of the stitching feels like it should be a lot more than the £65 price tag and its the sort of style that would suit absolutely any shape. How gorgeous are the colours and pattern?

Myleene Klass for Very.co.uk Floral Print 50s dress, £65, available in sizes 8-20

And of course I had to do some token silly photos...

I'm sure after a few glasses of fizz at the wedding I will be doing a lot of this, so its just practice really!

Originally I ordered a 12 but it didn't quite close at the back so I exchanged it for a 14 and it fitted perfectly so I would recommend sizing up. 

So the shoes...

These are currently the contenders for choice of shoes. I got the top pair of couple of years a go from Primark, I think they're really unique and its very unlikely anyone else is going to have them. On the other hand, I love the rose gold ones. They're pretty and super comfy as well. I'd love to know what you think, answers on a postcard...or in the comments would also do :)

I do love a good wedding, are you going to any this year?



This is not a sponsored post and this item was not gifted to me. All items were purchased with my own finances. 

Sunday, 19 April 2015

100 Happy Days: Day 47 to 55

Day 47: Sitting down to dinner at work, homemade butternut squash and parmesan sauce with homemade bread
Day 48: 50 days till Ibiza (41 when this goes live), the excitement is building now
Day 49: Cheese and wine night at my friend's house last weekend, how grown up we've all become
Day 50: Sunday brunch in the new Wetherspoons with my boy before heading to work. I can't believe I'm half way through this challenge already.
Day 51: Reliving running the London Marathon last year, I still can't quite believe I did it. I'm looking forward to watching it next weekend knowing that I've done it (and got the t-shirt)
Day 52: A gorgeous falafel wrap from Chef Martin Burke's stall on Hitchin Market. If I'm off on a Tuesday or Friday thats my lunch sorted!
Day 53: A post work Starbucks in the sun with my Mama, one of my favourite ways to spend a sunny afternoon
Day 54: Experimenting with the humble baked potato, do I feel a recipe post coming on?
Day 55: Starting personal training, my face after doing intervals. I absolutely loved it though.

Over half way now, what will the next half of the challenge bring?



Sunday, 12 April 2015

100 Happy Days: Day 38 to 46

Day 38: 60 days (now 48 days as this goes lives) days till my girly holiday to Ibiza with my two best gal pals
Day 39: A spontaneous Wednesday night of Mexican food, 90s songs and selfie sticks
Day 40: An Easter graze box gift from my bestie
Day 41: So apparently 11pm the day before Good Friday is not the best time to go to Tescos and expect there to be shelves of Easter eggs...getting creative making some creme egg brownies for my boyfriend's family for Easter
Day 42: Hot cross bun pudding for Easter Saturday dinner
Day 43: The Easter Sunday dinner table at my Mum's
Day 44: An Easter Monday walk on Barton Hills
Day 45: Joining the gym and my reasons for doing so (I feel another blog post coming on)
Day 46: Hanging out with Isla, my Dad's friend's gorgeous choccy lab

Whether you do the church thing or just like to chocolate egg, roast dinner and family time bit, I hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend.



Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water

I've always been in Camp Make up wipe for as long as I can remember. Every few years I've bought a set of cleanser, toner and moisturisers after feeling inspired by a beauty evening (think Virgin Vie parties for those who remember them) or a well meaning magazine article. Admittedly my skin always felt much cleaner and better after a full 'cleanse, tone, moisturise' routine, but really...who has time for that (or the care when you're tired or *ahem* have had maybe one more glass of wine that you should)? When I'm taking my make up off, its the last thing I do before I get into bed so I'm normally sleepy running the wipe across my face whilst getting all my bits and pieces sorted. I know its not the best beauty routine but unless someone was willing to be my personal make up removed, the make up wipe it was destined to be...until micellar water came along.

I first sat up and took noticed of micellar water when Lily Melrose spoke about the Nivea version in one of her blog posts. I was intrigued by the talk of one product and one cotton pad to take off all my days make up but not 100% convinced. I made a point of swing by Boots the next time I was in town to try it. I couldn't see the Nivea one but the Garnier one was on offer (and the bottle was a tad prettier, yes I am that girl) so I decided to give it a go. 

The first time I used it, the sceptic in me told me to use no less than 4 cotton pads to take all my make up off, however as time has gone on I can truthfully say that 1 pad takes off both my face and eye make up. I was also pleasantly surprised to wake up without any excess eyeliner or mascara smudged into an accidentally smokey eye under my lower eye lid, the way it always does with make up wipes. You also don't need to rinse your face afterwards.

I have been using this product for 3 weeks now and my skin is much better for it. I'm removing my make up properly and my skin has felt much more hydrated. Even better, its all in one product. No more excess bottles of product clogging up your dressing table or having a separate eye make up remover.

Obviously, a bottle of micellar water has cost me more than my usual £1 pack of make up wipes but as you only need 2mls of the solution plus a cotton pad the cost per use is far less.

The only negatives is it did sting a little when I got a bit in my eye so make sure you keep them shut when you're using it, there is also one for sensitive skin as well so if you're particularly prone to this then maybe consider purchasing that one.

Have you ever used micellar water? Did you like it or are you sticking the cleanse, tone, moisturise or make up wipe routine. Let me know how the other brands compare if you've tried them.



Please note that this is not a sponsored post and I have not been gifted this item. I purchased this item with my own finances after reading about it and all opinions are my own. I have not received any benefit for writing a positive review.

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

100 Happy Days: Day 29 to 37

Day 29: Doing my best to find my running mojo again
Day 30: Belated birthday treat of Pizza Express takeaway and cava with my mamma
Day 31: Discovering the lunch of joy that is Itsu
Day 32: The best delivery, is a delivery of Quest bars
Day 33: Heading to Edinburgh for my friend Lucy's hen do
Day 34: School girl fancy dress for the hen night out
Day 35: Hotel breakfasts are the best
Day 36: I have found my dream shoes...and they will be mine!
Day 37: Post hen do/'I have nothing in the fridge' dinner

The last 9 days have been a good 'un!

Stay happy



Friday, 27 March 2015

Sweet Potato Smash

Tell me what is better than carbs and cheese? Not much in my view. Budget friendly, versatile and just damn tasty (and probably the reason why I was a few pounds heavier than I should have been during my university years). 

I happened upon this healthier little alternative by accident when searching through my cupboards for some lunch the other day. I love cooking and quick and simple, throw together type recipes are my absolute favourite. Behold the sweet potato smash...


One large sweet potato (Waitrose seem to do the biggest ones)
2 small/medium eggs
A sprinkle of hard goats cheese (I'll leave the exact amount to you depending on how healthy you want to be, although remember goats cheese has a full and powerful flavour so you really don't need that much)
Seasoning to taste (I used Schwartz Italian seasoning)


Preheat your own to 200 degrees and pierce your sweet potato in several places
Place your sweet potato on a foil lined baking tray and bake for 40 minutes
Score the top of your potato into a cross shape and gently squeeze the sides so the inside of the potato begins to come out
Gently mash with a fork and create a small well in the centre, keeping the fluffy insides in the skin
Crack two eggs into the centre
Sprinkle on your goats cheese and seasoning
Bake for a further 10 minutes until the eggs are cooked

Voila...a healthy, filling and tasty meal for happy tastebuds and a smiley waist line. This went down very well on my Instagram feed, so please do let me know what you think if you give it a go! 

Happy Friday



Wednesday, 25 March 2015

100 Happy Days: Day 20 to 28

Day 20: My favourite sandwich from Chilli B (aka the best sandwich shop in Hitchin), if in doubt its always an Italian Job from Chilli Bs
Day 21: Lots of happy memories with my Mum in a little post for Mothers Day
Day 22: My first attempt at Topped With Cinnamon's sweet potato gnocchi and pesto recipe (also click here for a great cooking hack I came up with for this recipe) #nomnomnom
Day 23: Finding that a tidy home made for a tidy mind during a stressful week
Day 24: Then and now, me in 2009 and 2015. Sometimes I need reminding how far I've come.
Day 25: A meal out at my favourite Chinese restaurant
Day 26: Exploring Westminster on my lunch break whilst spending the day at Head Office. I managed to find a lovely little market tucked away down a side street so I'm looking forward to my next visit
Day 27: Saturday snuggles with my boy
28: Sunday fun at Top Golf (and I actually won a game) 

Stay Happy



Monday, 23 March 2015

Meat Free Monday

So I did this post with with National Vegetarian Week in mind as I'd seen lots of articles about it, however as soon as I clicked 'publish' I discovered that its not actually till the 18th-24th May (note to self, must pay more attention). However I thought I would still share with you a variety of veggie meals that I have either made recently or cook regularly to give you some inspiration if you're planning giving the old veggie thing a go for a week in May, theres nothing like a bit of forward planning anyways (thats my excuse and I'm sticking to it *insert wink face here*).

Spaghetti with Butternut Squash and Parmesan Sauce from Skinny Taste

Photo credit: Skinny Taste

This is my absolute go to pasta sauce, I'd say I eat this at least once a week. If you're a lover of all things cream and cheesy but want something a little lighter on the cals, trust me this one is for you.

Broccoli and Quinoa Casserole from Eat Good 4 Life

Photo: Eat Good 4 Life

This one may change your mind about broccoli and quinoa its that yummy. Make sure you use decent mozzarella.

Photo credit: Essbeevee

Real comfort right here and only 9 Weight Watchers Pro Points for those who are watching. Also perfect for batch cooking.

Sweet Potato Gnocchi with Wild Garlic and Sage Pesto from Top With Cinnamon

Photo credit: Top With Cinnamon

This is a nice one to do if you're cooking for someone and have a little more time but also great to freeze and keep as well. If like me you can't get the dough to roll out, all is not lost because I have a little hack. Put the dough into ice cube trays and freeze...hey pesto (sorry) gnocchi made easy 

From ice tray...

To pan...easy peasy!

Photo credit: J for Jen

A nice simple curry recipe if asian cooking isn't your forte (like me)!

Whether you're a long standing veggie like me or just planning on giving it a go for a week in May (life without beef burgers is not that terrible, I promise), I hope this may have answered the 'so what do you eat' questions. Do let me know if you give any of them a go.

Happy Cooking



Sunday, 22 March 2015

100 Happy Days: Day 11 to 19

Day 11: My first ever Krispy Kreme, stuffed and topped with Lotus biscuit. I shouldn't but I did and I don't regret a thing
Day 12: A slight contrast, my new addiction to smoothies from my Blend Active blender
Day 13: Enjoying a coffee from The Ground Works in the sun with my bestie
Day 14: Bread and cheese for lunch, need I say more?
Day 15: Working for 10 days straight equals 7 hours in the kitchen to make sure I have lots of healthy  but yummy meals to hand
Day 16: Hanging out with Ambrose at my friend Tom's new house
Day 17: Finding other uses for my Blend Active bottles. Slices of lemon + a few sprigs of mint = healthy flavoured water
Day 18: Saying goodbye to my friend Mel who's moving to Turkey with tea and churros
Day 19: A post work glass of fizz with my Mum to celebrate Mother's Day

So its looks like I didn't do too badly on trying to branch out from food posts wouldn't you say? Even on a week thats been work work work, its great to look back and see the snippets of happiness and fun in amongst it.

Stay happy



Sunday, 15 March 2015

Get To Know Me Tag

I've been reading blogs for about 4 years now and I feel like I know some bloggers very well just by reading their posts. As much as a blog gives away someones interests and personality, its always the little things you learn that help you really get to know a person. I've decided to do the 'Get To Know Me' tag to share a few little extra pieces of me.

1. Are you named after anyone? Nope, my Dad wouldn't agree to Paloma or Scarlett so Holly it was!

2. When was the last time you cried? I'm not really sure, you'd think that this is because it was a long time a go but it probably wasn't. I'm not one for crying after a few too many gins (though I can't lie, it has happened) or in public. However I am an emotional person so I do in a sense get upset easily. Things that normally upset me are the injustices in the world and seeing people suffer. In my line of work I'm more likely to see these things and that can be upsetting, I feel its made me stronger over the last 18 months however. I have also been known to cry over a particularly emotional episode of Eastenders. A long answer for a short question, the short answer...my brain is telling me the last time I cried was over a song that provoked a memory.  

3. Do you have kids? No, not quite ready for that yet!

4. If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself? I think so, I am a chameleon friend in the sense that depending on who I'm with and my environment can bring out different colours of my personality so I think I could be friends with me.

5. Do you use sarcasm a lot? More so when I'm work but not as a general rule.

6. Will you ever bungee-jump? I know its really boring, but theres not much that I'd want to do less than throw myself off something!

7. What’s your favorite cereal? I eat most cereals except Frosties or Weetabix, but lets all be honest cereal is not the most riveting of breakfasts, but about 4 years a go I tried M&S cereal with the Belgian milk and white chocolate curls. It was so good that I never ate it again as I could probably eat chocolate for breakfast every day but I don't want to tempt myself as I like to be healthy and save the naughtiness for real treats. Alas, a love that will never be. 

8. What’s the first thing you notice about people? Their clothes I think, I know it sounds a bit superficial but I really think you can tell a lot about a person by what they're wearing.

9. What is your eye colour? I was once told 'sludge', I prefer a mix of green and hazel

10. Scary movie or happy endings? Happy endings every time and I'm not ashamed to say it.

11. Favorite smells? Clean Cotton Yankee candle, Christmas trees and 'Miami Glow' by J Lo as it reminds me of holidays...a mix of suncream, sea, warm air.

12. Summer or winter? This is a toughy, I love the feeling that summer brings. Everyone is in a good mood and its much easier to dress in the summer. I also love winter though, snuggling up on the sofa, eating comfort food and Christmas of course. I think I'm going to perch on the fence here.

13. Computer or television? Computer, I'm not a huge TV watcher and I can watch telly on the computer anyway

14. What’s the furthest you’ve ever been from home? Either India, Thailand/Vietnam or America

15. Do you have any special talents? Most people don't believe me when I tell them I can tap dance to quite an advanced level. I'm not too shabby at running I suppose, I'm no Paula Radcliffe but I did manage to run the London Marathon last year in under 5 hours which I'm very proud of.

16. Where were you born? Stevenage, England

17. What are your hobbies? Running, Pilates, yoga, reading, fashion, cooking, travel and eating out

18. Do you have any pets? No, but I grew up having dogs and love snuggling up to my Mum's little Jack Russell. I'd also love to have guinea piggles!

19. Favourite movie? I'm not a huge film watcher but I'm a sucker for chick flicks, other than that Chocolat always warms my heart.

20. Do you have any siblings? Nope, I'm an only child. People ask me if it was sad or lonely not having any brothers and sisters. To that I say no, it rocked and still does.

21. What do you want to be when you grow up? I'm already pretty grown up but I feel very privileged to say that I love my job and my life and I'd like that to always be the case.

I hope you've enjoyed getting to know a little more about me, if you've done this tag recently please link your post below. I'd love to get to know you too.



Wednesday, 4 March 2015

100 Happy Days: Days 1 to 10

My first 10 days of the 100 Happy Days challenge on my Instagram.

Day 1: Grabbing a morning coffee to enjoy at work
Day 2: Free lunch at a work meeting
Day 3: New Sharpies (I love a good Sharpie)
Day 4: Having a glass of fizz with my Mum and Aunty
Day 5: Even if I'm only travelling home by EasyJet, theres always something I find exciting about air travel
Day 6: Grilled cheese sandwich from The Groundworks, one of my favourite coffee and food places in Hitchin (this place is likely to feature again in the next 90 days)
Day 7: One of my favourite ways to spend a Sunday morning, gentle flow Yoga at Yogaflower. Absolute bliss.
Day 8: The first run I've genuinely enjoyed in ages
Day 9: The best falafels I have ever had, if you're local get yourself to Hitchin Market on a Tuesday and Friday
Day 10: Finding some old photos on my Macbook, me messing around with Photo Booth circa 2008

I know, its mostly food and drink. I'd like to say that my life doesn't revolve around these things, but it does. I shall challenge myself to post about things that aren't the aforementioned for the next 10 days (no promises however).

Stay Happy



Project Life 2015: January Pages

I've finally got round to uploading my January pages vlog for Project Life...

I hope you enjoy a little insight into my January and how I've 'Project Lifed' it, please let me know if you like the video.

Don't forget to watch my Project Life getting started vlogs here and here.



Tuesday, 3 March 2015

What Sarah did

I've been feeling a bit nail bitey about this post, heres hoping it goes down well...

I've never done an outfit post before and I'm not really sure if its going to be something I do regularly. I do love a good selfie, however it felt a bit strange to move all my furniture around (my flat lacks a good backdrop) stand front of my camera and tripod to take photos of myself for my blog. However the aim of this post is not to be a posey pants, but to showcase my wares from a gorgeous little shop in my town.

What Sarah did is a lovely little independant clothes shop in my town of Hitchin. The owner Sarah ,opened the doors to her shop on Bancroft just over 4 years a go and has gone from strength to strength since. Sarah uses social media to showcase the beautiful brands she stocks and to reach out to her customers. As a social media and style fan I've been following her and her store for a long time, however it's only in the last year or so I've been shopping there. 

After being unhappy with my weight and appearance for a long time, about 2 years a go I decided to do something about it and lost nearly 3 stone (that's another blog post). After thinking that this would open a door to a whole new world of clothing that I'd never felt able to wear before, I was disappointed to find that the door was mentally firmly shut with me on the wrong side of it. 

I've always had my own sense of style and known what that was, whatever size I was, however loosing the pounds also meant loosing my style funk and it's taken a while for me to find it again. 

So where does What Sarah did come into this?

I've spent most of my teens and twenties as more of a 'quantity over quality' type of gal and assumed that independent stores would be out of my price range. I decided that rather than handing over my cash to Primark all the time I would try and spend more time thinking about what I was going to buy and if its something I would actually wear time and time again rather than just one occasion. I had so much stuff in my wardrobe that I'd only worn a couple of times before it was destined for the charity shop or I'd bought something and realised that I was buying for the old me and it lay unworn. Essentially my wardrobe no longer reflected who I was and I wanted to make a change, not only in my wardrobe but also in my buying habits. 

Every time I ventured into What Sarah did I just felt different, I always saw things for the new me (even when I didn't realise what the 'new me' liked) and everything I've bought I've worn over and over again and always make me feel good. I've discovered some new brands that I really love that have really transformed my wardrobe and given me back my style. What Sarah did has definitely taught me that spending a little bit more can go a long way. My new purchases also gave me the push to clear out my wardrobe and start afresh.

Here are some of my recent purchases.

I was very excited by this Mink Pink jumper, I've been searching for the perfect cosy knit for years. They never seem to suit me but this one is perfect. £35

I literally ran to What Sarah did when this Reverse tunic popped up on her Instagram account. The quirkiness appeals to my inner teenager but is still grown up enough for my twenty something self. I got this a little while a go but I saw yesterday that she has a few left at the bargain price of £9. 

This is the item that made me want to do an outfit post, I've been wanting a stylish rain coat for ages but the ones I found were either a little naff or more than I wanted to spend. I was sat on a plane waiting for my flight to Edinburgh to take off, flicking through my Facebook news feed and I saw that What Sarah did was having a flash sale on Rains raincoats. I sent a pleaing message asking to reserve one, I got a reply straight back saying one was on hold for me. All I had to do was phone up and pay later.

Rains are a dutch brand who specialise in Scandinavian style rain wear, I started lusting after a Rains jacket after seeing this video by Zoella but as these jackets normally retail around £75 it was a bit out of my price range. I couldn't resist snapping one up for £37 at What Sarah did's flash sale. When I popped in to pick mine up yesterday, there were some more in the sale for around £54 if you want to pick one up before the typical British weather sets in again.

Aside from the beautiful clothes, the customer service at What Sarah did is fantastic. If you follow Sarah on Instagram (the best platform to follow her on, especially if you like a funny post to brighten your morning), Twitter or Facebook you can't help but get caught up in the love Sarah has for both style and her shop. She really goes out of her way for her customers too, even when they're sitting on the runway of Luton Airport, ready for take off.

What Sarah did really is one of the little gems of Hitchin that make it such a great place, if you haven't already and you're local please check it out.

I hope you've enjoyed this slightly different post, if you did and want to see more outfit posts please let me know in the comments.

Happy Tuesday




Monday, 2 March 2015

@HitchinUK Official Tweeter

I'm happy to announce that have been given the honour of being asked to tweet for a Twitter account for my lovely little town of Hitchin. 

I was approached by the team that run @HitchinUK who asked me to run the account for the week and tweet all things Hitchin. So if you're local and want to read some of my thoughts on our little town and see what I get up to then come on over and give the account a follow.  The account has 2,286 followers which is a scary thought compared to my personal account of 365 followers so fingers crossed I'm up to the challenge.

Whether you're a new business that wants to get yourselves out there, a well loved business with a great offer or a local with something to share about Hitchin please get in touch over the week. I'll be tweeting from now till 6pm on Sunday so I'd love to chat to you all.

Tweet tweet...



P.S My personal twitter account is @ohhollygosh #shamelessselfpromotion

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Project Life Part 2

The second part of my vlogs on starting Project Life (sorry its taken so long).

Apologies in advance for being in my pyjamas with no make up on...I film this on a Sunday (thats my excuse and I'm sticking to it).

My next video will be my January pages, let me know if you like the video or have started a Project Life of your own.

Happy Crafting



Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Trouble Sleeping

I wouldn't normally upload a blog post at this time, but given its content I thought it rather appropriate. 

I guess if you're up reading blog posts at this time that you might be having trouble sleeping? Me too...sometimes it because I'm anxious about something or sometimes (more annoyingly) it can be for absolutely no reason at all. 

I hate when I get to that desperate point of the night when the time I need to get up the next day is creeping up on me, I'm counting down the hours and I've tried everything from a cup of tea to counting sheep. We've all tried them and I'm sure you'll agree with me when I say nine times out of ten these methods are pretty rubbish.

I recently discovered the concept of 'yoga sleep', a method using yoga techniques to help you relax, forget about the stresses of the day and send you off into a good nights sleep. I know what you're probably thinking and I was a little sceptical too.

I've been using a download from Natasha Kerry Yoga which is a free 10 minute sample of a yoga sleep technique. I wish I could tell you about it from start to finish but I've never got to the end as I've always been asleep. Mission accomplished!

If this post hasn't sent you to sleep then enter you email address on the homepage to receive your 10 minute yoga sleep download or click here to download it onto your computer. If you try it let me know how you get on.

Sleep well



N.B I'm not being paid or receiving any freebies in order to endorse Natasha Kerry Yoga in any way, I just like the download and it works for me.

Monday, 23 February 2015

100 Happy Days

I know I'm very late to the party with this, but after feeling a little down yesterday I decided to sign up to the 100 Happy Days Challenge.

If you're not sure what 100 Happy Days is, it is a a commitment to post one photo a day to a social media network of your choice (I'll be using Instagram) documenting the small moment in the every day that makes you happy. The idea is to find happiness and positivity in every day and remember that its not just the things we count down to such as holidays, weekends and special occasions that are important...it is also these small moments that make life worth living.

For me I'm hoping that this will help me refocus on a down day and remind me to appreciate each day as it comes...expect lots of coffee moments and food posts with the occasional view thrown in for good measure. 

From now until June 3rd I'll be doing this challenge on my Instagram account so feel free to follow me and join in if you fancy. 

Have you done the 100 Happy Days Challenge? Whether you're taking part in this challenge or not, I hope your next 100 days and beyond are all happy ones.

