Saturday 6 July 2013

13k on the 13th

So I planned to do this post on the 13th June but unfortunately life got in the way so it's umm, a few weeks late...eeek. I'm still getting into the swing of this blogging thing.

However, I did actually complete my first 13k on the 13th June (approximately 8 miles). It was a bit of a spur of the moment decision but I decided that it was best attempted with my running buddy Emma.

Despite only going a kilometer further than my 12k, I really felt the difference. Up until then I was feeling quietly reassured (and a touch smug) that I wasn't find each distance increase that difficult, after that day though I've realised that this is where the challenge is really going to begin. Turns out 13 is definitely unlucky for some...

I had a week off last week as I was on holiday in Nice, however I really regret not taking my kit with me as I was so jealous of all the people going for their daily runs on the promenade. 

I was dreading starting up again this week after a week of relaxation and the prospect of lugging around the extra pounds as a result of bread, cheese, pizza and copious amounts of gin and red wine. I did a few short runs which weren't as horrendous as I thought they would be (and I seem to have got away with only gaining 1 pound whilst I was away)...RESULT!

However I was severely punished today on my 10k. After having a couple too many glasses of vino last night I didn't get on the road until midday, so there I was a wee bit the midday sun. Not the most intelligent combo and also not a combo I cope with well at the best of times anyway, so attempting a 10k didn't go down to well. The fact that I felt like I was going to vom a fair few times has definitely confirmed that theres going to have to be a no alcohol rule nearer the time.  

Like with all runs though, no matter how rubbish it makes you feel at the time or when you collapse onto to sofa afterwards, once your heart rate has slowed down, you face is back to a normal colour and the pain eases off you feel great (sounds a bit geeky but its true)!

So, next stop 14k. I will try and be a little bit better at updating my running progress and also my fundraising news. I've managed to raise £120 so far courtesy of my Dad and my fellow runner and best bud Louise. Please make painful 10ks and decreasing alcohol amounts worth it by helping me reach my £1800 fundraising target, all donations how ever great or small will be much appriciated. 

Thanks for reading...and donating ;) 



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