NB: I wrote this about 2 weeks a go just after I came back from a run as I wanted to document how I was feeling at the time. It looks like it didn't post but I'm glad I wrote it down so I've left it how it was. Running has taken a little bit of a back seat as I have moved and started a new job within a fortnight, I will be whipping myself back into shape soon! Enjoy...
I have a cold...IN JULY! A cold in winter is acceptable and sort of inevitable. But to have a cold in, lets face it, our summer is the worst.
What does this have to do with running? Well...
I was due to attempt my furthest run yet, today, a 14k. As I've mentioned before this is something that I have to build up to mentally, which is what I've been doing the last couple of days until a snuffle that's been brewing the last couple of days turned into a full blown (sorry to be graphic) snot fest!
Going for a run was the last the last thing I wanted to do, but I know from previously feeling not very in the mood how great I felt after and hoped that the run would sweat out my snuffles and a raging rush of endorphins would make me feel wonderful again. I'm not completely daft however, I knew it was going to be kill or cure!
I also decided that it definitely wasn't a 14k day so Emma and I set out on an achievable 7k. I can do that...right? Well I can, with great difficulty. The running euphoria never arrived, instead it was replaced with having to breath through my mouth, getting a stitch from not being able to take in enough oxygen, aching muscles from a lack of energy and an unwilling body and extra suffering from the sun *note to self...do not be British and complain when it's too hot and complain again when it's too cold*.
I completed it but some of my 'running' was coming a bit too close to walking for my liking and I'm now lying on my bed feeling a bit sorry for myself. Half way through the run I got the dreaded 'how on earth am I going to do a bloody marathon' feeling which I can't seem to shake off.
So that's how I'm feeling right here and now, I hope next time I can maybe provide a bit of insight on how to deal with said above feeling of dread.
Until then I shall carrying on wallowing on my bed whilst thinking about a shower to wash away this run!
Thanks for reading, keep at it!